6 Ways To Create Good Habits That Stick
•Health hacks

We get it, ladies - creating good lifestyle habits can be hard, especially when we have become comfortable with our current way of living.
The good news is that there are strategies you can implement that can assist you in making new habits that actually require little effort to maintain and improve your overall health and well-being (bonus)! Here are our six top tips you can use to create good habits.
Wake and Shake
There’s a saying that if you win the morning, you win the day.
Accomplishing something early in the day encourages you to complete other tasks and gives you a sense of pride. It’s the same philosophy the military uses when it insists recruits make their beds and polish their shoes first thing in the morning.
A quick and easy habit you can smash early in the day is having your Man Shake or Lady Shake as soon as you wake up. Not only will you start the day with a positive habit, but it will give you the energy to get through your day.
Start Small
When we want to make a lifestyle change we often think we have to make immediate and drastic changes to see results. We make extravagant goals for ourselves which regularly leads to exhaustion and failure and turns us off ever trying again.
The trick to beating this is to start small! Instead of trying to do 30 squats each day, try and do three. Instead of doing a one-hour walk, try a 20-minute one first! Make your goal so easy you can’t say no!
Be Consistent
The most important trick to creating good habits is to be consistent. It’s like anything in life, practice makes perfect.
For example, if you want to start swimming, go at the same time for the same length every day for one month before changing anything. The more consistent you are with your habits the more likely they will become a part of your lifestyle.
Don’t Miss Twice
Everyone makes mistakes and gets off track with their goals in the beginning. The important thing is how quickly you get back on track.
Try creating a calendar. For every day you perform your habit colour that day in green, and if you miss a day, colour it in red. Make sure you don’t see red twice!
Co-Commit To Your Habits
Committing to something is always easier when you have someone next to you every step of the way. Find yourself an accountability partner!
If you planned to go to the gym with your mate at 6 am, the chance of turning your alarm off and staying in bed is a lot less likely than it would be if you were going by yourself.
By co-committing to your habits, you give yourself more accountability that will make you keep going, even when it’s hard.
Celebrate Your Wins
Research has shown that celebrating your wins is beneficial for motivation, empowering you to reach that sense of achievement again.
Regardless of the goal, whenever you reach a milestone be sure to reward yourself in a way that is going to drive you to reach it again (did somebody say wine!?).