Health Conditions Woman Are More At Risk Of

As a woman, sometimes it feels like we got the short end of the stick! From periods to menopause, we’re almost always experiencing hormonal fluctuations that can get in the way of our daily lives – including our ability to lose weight!
Due to our unique biological factors and reasons still known, there are certain health conditions we’re more at risk of than men.
Autoimmune Diseases
Although studies are still debating why, females are in fact more at risk of developing an autoimmune disease compared to men. There are over 80 autoimmune diseases and over 75% of people that have them are women!
A few of the most common autoimmune diseases are lupus, celiac disease, type 1 diabetes, multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis.
Thyroid Diseases
Around one in eight women will suffer from a thyroid condition at some point in their life. The risk for women is about 10 times higher than for men! Like autoimmune diseases, research is inconclusive as to why we are at a higher risk, but it could be due to our hormonal fluctuations from our periods and menopause.
Although thyroid issues can hit at any age, it’s especially common for women during and after menopause.
At least we know why for this one... menopause! The hormone changes that occur during menopause directly affect bone density. Our estrogen levels decline, and we lose lean muscle mass which puts us at risk of fractures.
As women, there are some micronutrients that we should focus on incorporating in our diet to prevent osteo. Check out the ultimate micronutrients guide, and if you do suffer from osteo, these dietary changes might help.
Depression & Anxiety
Women are twice as likely than men to develop depression and anxiety. This correlates with our hormonal changes during puberty, even prior to menstruation, after pregnancy and at the perimenopause stage. Again, we have our hormonal fluctuations to blame.
There are many environmental factors that can contribute to depression and anxiety, but due to biological factors, we’re unfortunately more likely to suffer! But we have some helpful tips on natural ways to soothe anxiety for you.
The Bottom Line
Stay on top of your health! And get regular health check-ups. An overwhelming majority of medical research is still based on men and their symptoms, which can differ from ours. This unfortunately means we’re commonly misdiagnosed.
Always consult a healthcare provider if you're feeling unwell, no matter what your symptoms are, it's always better to be safe than sorry.