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Ends Midnight 31 October
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How Many Steps Do You Need Per Day To Lose Weight?

Weight loss


When it comes to weight loss, every step counts—literally.

Walking is one of the simplest, most accessible forms of exercise, but how many steps a day to lose weight is a question we often get asked. For busy women juggling work, family, and everything in between, finding a straightforward, enjoyable way to shed those extra kilos is essential. Let’s delve into how walking can help you achieve your goals and some practical tips to increase your step count.

How Many Steps Should You Do a Day To Lose Weight?

So, how many steps should you do a day to lose weight?

10,000 steps has become widely accepted as a benchmark for good health and fitness

But why 10,000 steps? This number roughly translates to seven to eight kilometres and can help you burn around 400-500 calories, depending on factors like your weight and walking intensity.

Keep in mind, however, that the number of steps needed for weight loss can vary based on factors such as your current weight, diet, and overall activity level.

To lose 1 kilogram of body weight, you need to create a calorie deficit of about 7,700 calories. This means burning more calories than you consume through diet and regular exercise.

The Science Behind 10,000 Steps

Research also supports the benefits of the 10,000-step goal. A 2018 study found that individuals who took 10,000 steps per day, with at least 3,500 of those steps being moderate-to-vigorous activity, experienced significant weight loss and maintained it over 18 months. This combination of steady walking with bursts of higher intensity boosts your metabolism and maximises calorie burn.


How Many Steps In a Km?

Wondering how many steps are in a Km? It takes about 1,300 to 1,500 steps to walk a kilometre, depending on your stride length. According to this Steps to Km Calculator, the average step length for women is around 67cm.

Tips to Achieve Your Step Goals

Increasing your step count can be challenging, especially with a busy lifestyle. Here are some practical tips to help you reach your step goals:

Track Your Steps

Using a smartwatch or fitness tracker app can be a game-changer. These tools not only count your steps but also motivate you with reminders to move and celebrate your milestones. According to the American Council on Exercise, people who track their steps take an average of 2,500 more steps per day than those who don’t!

Take the Stairs

Whenever possible, take the stairs instead of the lift or escalator. This simple change can significantly increase your daily step count and boost your fitness.

Walk During Breaks

Make the most of your breaks at work to go for a short walk. Whether it’s a brisk walk around the office building or an outdoor stroll during your lunch break, every step adds up.

Park Further Away

When running errands or going to work, park further from your destination to add more steps to your day.

Get Off a Stop Early

If you use public transport, get off one stop early and walk the rest of the way. This small adjustment can contribute to major step increases over time.

Walking Meetings

Why not turn your casual meetings into walking meetings? It’s a great way to brainstorm ideas while staying active and increasing your step count.

Explore New Routes

Keep things interesting by exploring new walking routes in your neighbourhood or city. Hiking trails, parks, and nature reserves are excellent options for mixing up your routine.


The Role Of Exercise Intensity

While the number of steps you take is important, the intensity of your activity also plays a crucial role in weight loss. Incorporating moderate-to-vigorous activities, such as brisk walking, jogging, or cycling, can increase your calorie burn and enhance your overall fitness.

Moderate-to-Vigorous Activity

To achieve the best results, aim to include at least 3,500 steps of moderate-to-vigorous activity in your daily routine. This can be done by walking briskly for bouts of 10 minutes or longer. Activities like dancing, playing sports, or hiking are also great ways to boost your intensity.

Health Benefits Beyond Weight Loss

Walking not only helps with weight loss but also offers numerous health benefits, including:


How to Get More Steps In

Increasing your step count doesn't have to feel like a chore! It can be fun and engaging with a few creative strategies:

Dance Your Way to Fitness

Turn up your favourite tunes and dance around your living room. Don't be shy! It’s a fun way to get moving and increase your step count without even realising it.

Join a Walking Group

Joining a walking group can be a fabulous way to stay motivated and make walking a social activity. It’s easier to stay committed when you have a group of friends cheering you on and sharing the journey.

Plus, it’s an effective way to meet new people and explore new areas. If you're interested in starting or joining a walking group, check out our guide on how to get started.

Make it a Family Affair

Get the whole family involved by planning weekend walks or after-dinner strolls. It’s a great way to bond and stay active together.

Challenge Yourself

Set daily or weekly step challenges and reward yourself when you hit your targets. This can be a huge motivator to keep pushing yourself.


Tips For Maintaining Weight Loss While Walking

Reaching your daily step goals is just one part of the equation. To maximise your weight loss, consider these additional tips:

Set Clear, Measurable Goals

Understanding your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) can help you set realistic weight loss goals. To create a calorie deficit, aim to eat fewer calories than you burn each day.

Avoid the Workout Reward Trap

After a workout, it’s tempting to reward yourself with food. We've all been there! That being said, try opting for nutritious snacks that replenish your energy without excessive calories. Think Greek yoghurt, a handful of nuts, or a low-sugar protein bar.

Protein Intake: A Key Factor in Weight Management

Protein is essential for weight loss as it helps keep you full and supports muscle recovery. Ensure your meals contain a good protein source to manage hunger and build muscle efficiently.


Sleep: Your Secret Weight Loss Partner

Adequate sleep is crucial for weight loss as it regulates hormones that control hunger. Aim for at least seven hours of quality sleep per night to support your weight loss efforts.

Check Your Medications

Certain medications can impact your weight. Consult with your doctor to understand how your medications might be affecting your weight loss journey.

Get Moving: Every Little Bit Counts!

Incorporate more non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) into your day. Simple activities like taking the stairs, parking further away, or doing household chores can add up and help you burn more calories.

Mix It Up!

Variety is the spice of life! Avoid getting stuck in a workout rut by mixing up your exercise routine. Include a range of cardio, strength training, and flexibility exercises to keep things interesting and effective.

Introducing The Lady Shake

As you work towards your step goals and weight loss, remember that nutrition plays a vital role in your success. That’s where The Lady Shake comes in.


Why Choose The Lady Shake?

The Lady Shake offers a convenient, healthy, and enjoyable way to support your weight loss journey. Our meal replacement shakes for women combine the benefits of a well-balanced diet with the ease of a shake. They are perfect for busy mums, office workers, and anyone looking for a quick, healthy meal on the go.

Benefits of The Lady Shake

  • Controlled Calorie Intake: Each shake provides around 209 calories, making it easier to manage your daily calorie intake.
  • High in Protein: With 28 grams of protein per serving, The Lady Shake helps keep you full and supports muscle recovery after your walks.
  • Packed with Nutrients: Our shakes contain 25 vitamins and minerals to support your overall health and well-being.
  • Delicious Flavours: With a range of dessert-worthy flavours like Chocolate, Caramel, and Passionfruit Ice Cream, you can lose weight and satisfy those cravings!

Read our blog to learn how to incorporate The Lady Shake into your daily routine.

Keep Moving Forward

Reaching your step goals and losing weight is all about consistency and making smart choices. By integrating more steps into your daily routine and supporting your nutrition with The Lady Shake, you’re well on your way to achieving your weight loss goals.

Remember, every step you take brings you closer to a healthier, happier you. So, lace up your walking shoes, grab your Lady Shake, and let’s get moving!


It's Time to Step It Up!

Don't underestimate the power of walking! By knowing how many steps a day to lose weight and incorporating practical tips to increase your step count, you can make steady progress towards your health goals.

Pair your walking routine with the support of The Lady Shake, and you’ll be unstoppable on your path to better health.

Happy stepping, ladies!