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Ends Midnight 31 October
The Lady Shake
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How To Overcome The Dreaded Weight Loss Plateau

β€’Weight loss


One moment that number on the scale is dropping and then suddenly the number won't budge no matter what you do. Sound familiar? You've hit a plateau.

Weight loss plateaus are completely normal and everyone experiences them.

Don't let them derail your progress β€” here are some proven tips to get you back on track, and get the numbers dropping again.


That's right, you're gonna have to put some hard yards in. You've got your diet down pat and that's 70% of weight loss, but now you have to work on the other 30% β€” exercise.

If the fat isn't moving, you have to get moving. Get out for a walk, up the intensity of what you're currently doing. Exercise is key for moving stubborn fat.

One of the most effective exercises it HIIT (high intensity interval training) which is short bursts of intensity proven to burn fat faster and longer! Programs like The Lady Challenge are the best way to get a simple workout done in just 10 minutes a day without stepping anywhere near a gym!

Reassess Your Habits

Are you as strict with your diet now as when you started? Most people will let their guard down after initial weight loss and seeing results.

Sometimes when you lose big numbers early on, things like portion control and exercise intensity begin to slip. When you hit a plateau, it's important to reassess your habits to see if there are any areas you've become lenient with.

Hit The Weights

When we think of exercise for weight loss, we typically think of treadmills and exercise bikes. Well, it turns out resistance training is beneficial for losing weight too!

Lifting weights or weight-focused exercises increase your resting metabolism. Some studies have shown an elevated metabolism for at least 24 hours after a workout for women, resulting in a much higher caloric burn over the course of a day.

Often women are a bit apprehensive when it comes to weight training because they're afraid they'll bulk up too much when in reality, lifting weights combined with cardio exercises can accelerate fat loss!

If you're looking to power over that plateau, the gym is a good place to start!

Get More Sleep

If your weight loss has plateaued, not getting enough sleep may be to blame. Getting six hours or less a night can reduce your metabolic rate, shifting your hormone levels to promote appetite and fat retention.

Sleep accounts for a third of your life, so it's important to ensure you get both quantity and quality. Aim for eight hours a night, and the scales may respond.

Listen To Your Body

Sometimes when you're trying to lose weight, you spend too much time on the scales hoping for results. There are so many other physiological changes that happen when losing weight that scales don't recognise like muscle gain, waist circumference, and how you feel.

Another reason to listen to your body is that you may also have a goal weight that doesn't suit your body. A lot of us ladies seem to have goals of whole numbers that are lower than a healthy and sensible target weight. If you feel great with your current lifestyle, maintain that.

Journal Your Food

Researchers have found that people tend to underestimate what they eat in a day, so a food journal is a great way to track everything you're consuming.

If you track your calories and macro-nutrients across a week, you'll gain a better insight into your diet and you are then able to make modifications accordingly.

Don't forget to account for sauces and cooking oils! These are actually very high in calories, so this might be where you can improve.

Weigh Weekly

Sometimes a plateau isn't really a plateau. If you're weighing every day, you'll likely see fluctuations and changes that aren't consistent with your overall weight loss. Set a specific time each week, and maintain the same conditions for each time you weigh in.

Eat More Protein

Protein is the macro-nutrient that increases your metabolic rate the most when consumed, nearly double that of carbohydrates and fats. Protein also increased satiety, which is the feeling of being full.

Aim for around 30g of protein per meal across your three meals of the day. This equates to around one Lady Shake or one serve of meat or poultry.

Change Things Up

Lastly, if you're experiencing a plateau and you know it isn't diet-related, why not switch things up a little?

Your body is way smarter than you realise. If you're doing the same activities over and over, it adapts to this. Change things up by switching the time when you walk, your meal times, and whatever else you can think of to give your weight the budge it needs.


When we hit a plateau, it's easy to lose motivation, and a weight loss journey can be long, so maybe you're lacking the energy to keep going. 

If this is the case, we have the perfect product for you! Our new BOOST is a scientifically formulated drink that's designed to increase energy levels, enhance focus, keep you hydrated and rev up your metabolism! It could be just what you need to overcome the dreaded weight loss plateau.