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Losing Weight On A Budget

Food - general


Starting a weight loss journey is a big lifestyle change and having to buy new foods can be challenging but it doesn’t have to be more expensive! It’s possible to save money on your weekly grocery shop while you continue to lose weight.

Plan Your Meals

Planning meals ahead of time is the best way to fit everything into your budget. By mapping out each meal for the week, you can shop strategically, avoid impulse buys and make the most of the ingredients you already have.  

Never Go Shopping When Hungry

Grocery shopping while hungry is a recipe for disaster! Your tummy becomes a salesman, convincing you to fill your trolley with impulse buys. Stay savvy and snack before you shop to avoid a spree. 

Buy The Generic

Don’t run from the home-brand stuff when doing your groceries. All food manufacturers have to follow standards to provide safe food, so the generic brands may just be the same quality as the fancier ones, just less expensive!

Try Canned Veggies

Try buying canned vegetables, it’s a great way to ensure you always have veggies at home! Just be sure to pick canned veggies that don’t have added salt or sauce. You could also compare cans to find one with a lower sodium content. A lot of frozen vegetables are just as nutritious and low-calorie as their fresh versions. 

Limit Beverages

If you’re on a weight loss journey then you should already be cutting down on soft drinks, cordials and juices. Yes, juices — they’re loaded with sugar, so don’t be fooled by the fruit! Drink more water and herbal tea to cut costs and keep your progress up.

A lot of us are feeling the burn of the cost of living crisis, but don’t listen to anyone who says it’s too expensive to eat healthily, it’s not. You can lose weight without breaking the bank, and your wallet and waistline will thank you!