Menopause Myths & Misconceptions

Menopause has been historically stigmatised, and often considered to be a taboo topic. Considering it’s a natural part of life, we believe it needs to be spoken about.
Every woman goes through menopause, and it can be an overwhelming transition in life, so it’s important you know what not to believe!
It Happens Suddenly
Contrary to popular belief, menopause is not some abrupt event! It’s a gradual transition that typically occurs over several years! If you take into account perimenopause – the phase leading up to menopause – it lasts anywhere from a few months to several years. During this time menstrual cycles may become irregular and symptoms may occur gradually.
Weight Gain Is Inevitable
Menopause can certainly throw a spanner into the works if you’re on a weight loss journey, but weight gain is not inevitable. It is however common. Two big contributing factors to weight gain are stress and lack of sleep. Menopause causes your cortisol levels to fluctuate, and your sleep-wake cycle can be affected, so it’s important you prioritise sleep during this transition.
If you're going through menopause while trying to lose weight, be sure to check out our blog on weight loss and menopause.
Symptoms Are Only Physical
Menopause is much more than your periods coming to an end! It encompasses emotional and psychological changes as well. Hormonal fluctuations during menopause can interfere with mood regulation and emotional wellbeing, it even affects your metabolism!
Menopause represents a significant life stage associated with a shift in identity and relationships, which can contribute to feelings of sadness and anxiety.
It's The End Of Sexuality
Menopause does not signify the end of sexuality or intimacy! While hormonal changes can affect libido, intimacy can continue to thrive between partners with open and honest communication. Some women even find an increase in their libido during menopause, which leads us to our next misconception!
It’s The Same For Every Woman
While all women go through this natural biological process, none of us go through it the exact same way! It’s a highly individualised experience, and symptoms can vary widely. Some women experience minimal symptoms, and others can be significantly impacted by physical and emotional challenges. There’s no telling how menopause will affect you, but factors such as genetics, lifestyle and overall health can influence symptoms.
Although there's no reversing menopause, there are certain foods that may help to manage symptoms.
Understanding menopause is essential for every woman. False information can lead to mismanagement of symptoms and missed opportunities for support! It’s so important to understand what your body is going through and recognise that your experience is unique to you.