The Secret To Healthy Ageing

Ageing presents various challenges that, if we’re not careful, can diminish the quality of our lives. With age comes an increased risk of mobility issues, cognitive decline and the inevitable — we simply have less energy!
Although ageing can’t be stopped, we’re here to shed some light on how you can maintain a happy, healthy you as you get older.
A lot of people overlook the important role nutrition plays when it comes to emotional wellbeing. We all know a healthy, balanced diet is going to benefit our physical health, but it plays a bigger role in supporting our mental health and overall wellbeing than you may think! Maintaining a healthy mental state is important in any stage of life, but as we age, emotional wellbeing often takes the backburner. We older ladies tend to prioritise physical health because we don’t want to appear old, but you can’t maintain optimal physical health without nutrition anyway.
Adequate nutrition will help your mood! Certain foods have been proven to boost your mood, and eating well supports brain function which is responsible for regulating your mood! So, help out your brain with a diet rich in fruits, veggies, wholegrains, lean proteins and healthy fats.
Stress Management
You have to keep your stress levels under control! Stress takes a toll on the body, which in turn impacts both physical and mental health. Chronic stress can accelerate cellular ageing and can exacerbate feelings of sadness and anxiety. Stress can literally age you! So, get to meditating, exercising, and reach out to friends and family to vent your frustrations. Social interactions alone are a must for healthy ageing!
Regular Physical Activity
Frequent exercise is required for optimal physical and mental health. Staying active is key to maintaining strength, flexibility and cardiovascular health. Strength training in particular is beneficial for women because it supports bone health. We ladies have a higher chance of developing osteoporosis than men, especially after menopause. You can perform strength training exercises with or without weights, but don’t be scared of lifting! You won’t bulk up like you may think.
You don’t need to push yourself too hard, even low-impact exercises like walking support heart health, and if you’re not big on exercise, you can try doing it while sitting down, or even laying in bed!
You can't stop the clock, but you can take these preventative measures to promote healthy ageing!