It All Starts With Self Kindness

Be kind to the person who deserves it the most. You.
When you learn to laugh at yourself and loosen those high expectations you place on yourself, you’ll instantly start to feel lighter and happier. That’s just a taste of what self-kindness is all about.
It’s also how you get the energy back, so you can keep up the good work on your weight-loss journey; even on those my-doona-looks-so-good days.
4 Ways to Be Kind to Yourself
Replace negative talk with positive talk
Here’s an easy change for you. Rather than saying; “I can’t do this” replace it with “I can’t do this, just yet”. Talk to yourself like you would you a good friend.
Congratulate, celebrate and compliment yourself
Why wait for someone else to tell you how great you are?! Get into the good habit of giving yourself a daily high-five with, “Wow, you did good at …..”
Set a realistic to-do list
As tempting as it is to add lots of things to your list, you’re only setting yourself up to fail. Be real with what’s possible and not down on yourself when things don’t go to plan.
Forgive yourself
You’re not super-human, so like the rest of us, you’re going to make mistakes. Go for the lesson you can learn instead, when you say, “That wasn’t great but I learnt …..”
“Being kind to yourself only when you deserve it, is like watering a plant only when it rains”