Start Now: Staying On Top Of Your Health In Your 30s

The older we get, the more attention we need to pay to our bodies. Whether you’re trying to lose weight or not, your health needs to be the priority, not just your weight. If you’re in your 30s, you are young! But it’s better to create healthy habits while you’re still young to prevent a myriad of health issues that could be brought on later in life due to poor diet, not enough sleep and a sedentary lifestyle.
Being Fit Does Not Mean You’re Healthy
Before we dive into it, let’s clear this up! There are many factors to determine a person’s fitness level, but we see a slim, muscular woman and our first thought is probably “wow, she must be healthy”. This is a myth!
It’s possible to be in a healthy weight range, have great stamina, strength and flexibility, while having high cholesterol. You can even be underweight with high cholesterol! Not every health issue is shown from the outside. You can also have great heart health while suffering from a range of medical conditions. The way someone looks on the outside isn’t an accurate indicator of how healthy they are.
Preventative Measures
We’re always going to advocate for regular check-ups with a medical professional, and for good reason. Getting a blood test alone can detect many irregularities and gives you a much clearer picture of your health than your appearance does.
Reassess Your Diet: Make sure you’re choosing foods from all food groups! Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Make sure you’re getting enough protein, fibre and good carbs!
Start Exercising: If you don’t incorporate physical activity into your lifestyle, you’re at a higher risk of developing a variety of health issues. You don’t have to go to the gym everyday — low-impact exercises are beneficial. If you have an office job, then give deskercise a go!
Get Quality Sleep: We spend around a third of our lives sleeping, so invest in a good mattress! And practice habits that will enhance your chances of a good night’s rest. A healthy, balanced diet and regular exercise all contribute to the quality of your sleep, it’s like the health trifecta!
If not in your 20s, your 30s should be the time you start investing in your health. Adopting healthy lifestyle choices now will enhance not only your immediate wellbeing, but will also lay a solid foundation for a healthy, happy future.