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Ends Midnight 31 October








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Ends Midnight 31 October








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Ends Midnight 31 October








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Ends Midnight 31 October
The Lady Shake
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Alex Lost 17kg and Rediscovered Her Happiness


Hi I’m Alex and this is my Lady Shake journey.

I am a 58-year-old married woman with no children in my second marriage. I have an incredibly supportive husband. I am incredibly blessed. He loves women to be curvy, soft, and round. He actually says, if it wasn't a health issue, he would love for me to gain a lot of weight. Ha! What woman doesn't want to hear that?
This is in complete contrast to my first husband, who wanted his wife to be fit, firm, thin, healthy, muscular & shapely. We met in high school when I was 16. I was extremely fit for the next 20 years, the time we were together.
When our marriage ended, I was 36 years old. I gave up exercising & took up more sedentary type work. Up until then, I'd always been on my feet all day for work. I enjoyed going to the gym to lift weights & running 5kms most days. It was really easy for me. It was not the best age to let the healthy lifestyle go. I enjoyed eating a lot of take away and not caring about the scales or how I looked.
In no time at all, I was 20kgs heavier & regularly when I saw people I hadn't seen in a while, they would gasp & exclaim “What happened?”

I felt dreadful, I would secretly cry but I never changed anything. I was always smiling, and confident but hid how I really felt. On top of this, I have an identical twin sister, who kept fit, slim & trim, so comparisons were always being made. One person asked me at one time, how can identical twins be so different? How can one be skinny & one be fat? I was horrified but I answered calmly that my sister had more control over her food & exercise and then I excused myself & went into the bathroom to cry.
My mother once said, as I was introducing her to a good friend, that she used to be like me. I expected something nice to come out, but she said, fat! Another humiliation. I held back tears & did everything to not hold this against her. She had after all, only spoken the truth.
Anyway, this brings us to why I began the Lady Shake.
My husband, my dad & I were watching TV when The Lady & Man Shake ads came on. My dad said what a load of rubbish, but I was captivated and later on, when we were alone, my husband said, “Is it something you would like to try?” He really stressed that he absolutely loved me for how I looked but he could see I was not happy and that maybe I should give this a try.

So I did some homework. I checked out the company, the results others were getting, the ingredients, the cost etc but I liked what I had seen. So, I proceeded to buy the Vegan options as I’m lactose intolerant and don't digest dairy very well at all.
I was a bit sceptical. Any weight loss I had achieved in the past I had always done by watching what I ate, drank, or snacked on. I'm not a huge fan of sweet flavours but anything savoury is my go-to for eating too much. Chips, crackers, dips, burgers, pizzas etc rather than chocolate, or biscuits. 
I was also concerned around whether it would it be filling enough because I can get hangry! If my blood sugar falls, I can get the shakes/trembling & I definitely get less patient with people. Thankfully the Lady Shake was amazing. I had absolutely nothing to worry about.

When I started with The Lady Shake I initially had 2 x shakes a day, one for breakfast and one for lunch. Sometimes I included snacks in between. We would then have a healthy dinner with a focus on a lot of salad or vegetables. 
I would put my Shake into a takeaway mug if my family was around, so it was hidden, who would be critical of this lifestyle choice I've made.
Silly at my age to allow them to affect me in this way but it is as it is for the time being. Something I need to work on.
The weight began dropping immediately and every week there would be a loss, whether 1kg or 100g. It was wonderful and so easy. I walked when I could, but I didn't do anything excessive.
We even enjoyed a cruise, where I didn't use the Shakes, but I stuck to eating for health & not only with my eyes & I kept on losing weight. We used the stairs more than the lift to to keep our movement up.
I wanted to come home with photos I didn't feel embarrassed about.
I began at 86kg with a goal to lose 20kg. 
I settled at 69kg and I was extremely happy. I may still go to 66kgs but I'm okay if I stay as I am.

I always order the Buy Three Get One Free bundle with The Lady Shake Vegan range. Three Vanilla and one Chocolate that I mix in a large container that I scoop from.
Now that I have arrived at my goal weight, I have dropped down to one shake a day. I love them too much to stop entirely. It's so easy, quick, convenient, tasty, satisfying & makes financial sense.
I also love how it gets delivered in an unmarked box so that no one else knows what I'm doing.

TLS B&A Alex Side by Side.webp

I am beyond thankful for my husband. He is my biggest supporter. He is always cheering me on and is happy that I have become healthier. For him, it was always about my health. He loves me no matter what the number is on the scales. He always says I am the most beautiful woman in the room, regardless of my size.
When someone mistakes me for my twin sister it is always a lovely feeling. When there was three stone difference in weight between us there was no issue telling us apart. People were shocked to find out we were twins.

If I were to share some advice it would be this.
Take it one day at a time. Don't give up.
It's not worth going through your life not happy. Be happy at every stage. Don't wait to be a certain weight or size to enjoy life. The number on the scale does not define anyone. We should change the culture of judging people by the way they look. Respect everyone for the unique & special person that they are.

Since using The Lady Shake I feel WONDERFUL!
I’m no longer embarrassed to be compared to my sister. I’m no longer the largest person in the family photo. I’m more comfortable in my clothes. So many hung in the wardrobe until I felt they were the right fit again. Now they do…