Erin Lost 40kg On The Lady Shake

My name is Erin - picture this: 27 years old, brand new mum, shift-worker husband, 2021-COVID drama, busy life - this was me.
I had eaten for two my entire pregnancy thinking that the weight would just fall off. Well, shocker... It didn't. My weight was at an all-time high, and I was at an all-time low. It was extremely difficult to enjoy all the things I should have been enjoying with my little bundle of joy. I found myself not wanting to go anywhere or see anyone. I hated having to figure out what I was going to wear to an occasion or outing. 4 months postpartum, I was done with breastfeeding, and done with being overweight. My parents had both been having The Lady Shake and The Man Shake to lose a few extra kilos they had gained while living the shift-worker lifestyle. They gave me one to try and I loved it. I was quite sceptical of the whole "shake diet", but at a then very sad 110kg, I was up for anything.
I was all in. 2 shakes, 2 snacks and 1 meal a day. I loved it. I loved the convenience of not having to think about what I was going to eat. I loved the low cost. I loved the taste, but most of all, I loved that I was losing the weight. Fast forward one year, and I was down to 76kg and feeling great.
Surprise, baby #2 was on the way. I was scared - scared to put the weight back on. I knew I couldn't continue with the reduced calorie intake I was having, but I didn't want to give up the shakes. I instead had a shake as an afternoon snack. Nine months on (January 2023) and another beautiful girl later, I weighed in at 89kg.
This time around, I gave myself a couple of months before I went back to being "all in" with the shakes. To fill in my days while on maternity leave, I would take my girls for a walk around the estate, nothing extreme, just a casual walk to get us out of the house. I went back to work in October 2023 feeling like myself again at my original goal weight of 75kg.
Fast forward 9 months to today (July 2024) I am down to 68kg and feeling fantastic! I still have the shakes almost every day, not because I have to, but because I want to. Some days two shakes, some days just the one.
Chocolate is and always has been my go-to. I add the Chocolate Super Greens once a day and always blend it with half almond milk and half water with ice to make a frappe style shake. I have recently started having the new BOOST product as part of my daily routine, and found that I have a lot more energy to get through the day as well as a reduced appetite.
I have learnt a lot about food, portion sizes and calorie intake on my journey. The ‘MyFitnessPal’ app was an amazing tool which really opened my eyes to all the hidden calories in so many foods I thought were healthy. I have also learnt to listen to my body and understand how hormones can affect the number I see on the scales.
I once read a quote that said, “you didn’t gain all of the weight in one day; so you won’t lose it in one day”. This is so true. Be patient. Be accountable. Learn. Enjoy the journey rather than making it a chore and absolutely try The Lady Shake - you won’t regret it!