Christina overcame her fatigue and lost 13kg!

I just turned 45, I live on The Central Coast, NSW.
I have lost 13kgs since December 2019 and my weight has stabilised. My goal was to lose 15kg give or take. My start weight was 75.4kg.

When I was younger I was very slim. I lived on the fear - adrenaline - fear cycle, experiencing stress, trauma & anxiety & this kept the weight off. Then I would binge overeat to fill a void, from feeling depressed & unfulfilled within myself & put extra weight on. Then lose the weight from stress then overeat & put it back on. It was a vicious cycle.
For many years I experienced chronic health symptoms as a result of a medical condition, from stress and also from being burn - out. In my late 30’s and early 40’s, this vicious cycle caught up with me. In 2014 I was chronically ill for eight months, with gut health issues. I lost a lot of weight and my body was rejecting food and I could not nourish myself with food efficiently and I had hit starvation and zero nutrition mode. I gradually recovered but not quite 100%. In 2017 as a final result, I physically collapsed, resulting in adrenal fatigue and other nervous system and gut health issues. Due to extreme fatigue, this limited my ability to do high energy or long periods of exercise. I was less mobile and this also led to overeating and as a result, I had gradually put on 15kg of extra weight over the years.
In September 2019 I made a decision that I wanted to feel healthier, have more physical energy and be happier with my appearance for myself. I felt like I had lost my identify, self-confidence and self-empowerment as a woman. I wanted to do a photoshoot for my business as a Celebrant and Spiritual Coach and I had a vision of how I wanted to look and feel for this.
I found out about The Lady Shake on Facebook. I did some research on the website and I loved the idea of women feeling good, looking confident and being able to make this a lifestyle change that could fit in with a busy life.
I had tried other shakes and 30 day cleanses in the past. I had also tried general dietary changes, exercise and fitness routines. Nothing was ever consistent that I could stick with though as it was always focused on a fast quick fix method and not a long-term lifestyle change.
The biggest difference is that I now have my physical energy back. I feel more confident in the way I look and feel.

My two biggest roadblocks were my cravings, hunger and exercise. I overcame the cravings and hunger by sticking to the lady shakes program, adding a variety of different fruits and supplements to make them more even more enjoyable which stopped the cravings for sugar and junk foods. The exercise was difficult as I had extreme fatigue. For the first 3 months, I did zero exercises and then built up the exercise over 5 months & as a result, I lost 13kg. It was not a quick fix, it was a choice to be consistent and to overcome the challenges along the way, both mentally & physically.
If you are thinking about starting I would say, START NOW!!! Do not wait. And when you do begin, be prepared for the long-term consistency of a health and lifestyle change. This is not only a journey of releasing weight. It is also a journey back to self -love, confidence and self-empowerment.
After images by Bella Photo Art.