Deborah lost over 30kg!


My blood test in August 2020 was an eye-opener, my cholesterol and liver tests were off the scale and I was getting an awful lot of migraines I didn’t need the doctor to tell me my lifestyle had to change, pleased to say my recent blood tests are great, and the doctor is amazed at my weight loss The moment I knew I had to make a change was when I went to purchase an outfit for a function and I had to purchase a size 20 in the dressing room of the store I was in I just burst into tears at the way I looked in the mirror was disgusted and embarrassed with myself I did a google search on diet shakes and discovered the lady shake website had a good read of all the amazing success stories and also the lady shake Facebook page and decided to give it a go! Years ago I did try another brand of shake but did not have much success so gave up but The Lady Shake gave me the results I was after and it was just easy. Overall it was a big change in my lifestyle I decided that if this was going to work for me that there was going have to be major changes in my attitude towards food and exercise. Since losing the weight I feel amazing I have so much more energy, I am sleeping better I just feel happier within myself. I love to go out and buy new clothes now not embarrassed anymore, I like what I see in the mirror now. It's a great feeling when you see someone you haven’t seen for a year and they tell you that you look amazing and they ask what is your secret no secret just three words THE LADY SHAKE! |

The biggest roadblock for me is my sweet tooth for ice cream, cakes, biscuits lollies, I overcame this problem by not purchasing if it is not in the pantry I can’t eat it and to be honest, I really don’t miss anything the lady bars satisfy my sweet tooth now.
If your thinking about starting my advice would be; as soon as you have purchased the lady shake start asap no excuses, for example, I will start after the weekend or I might start next week NO you start straight away, Go online to the web site so much helpful information and success stories, if I can change my lifestyle anyone can!