Melissa lost over 40kg

I am 43, I live in Gunning NSW, I have lost 40.6kgs so far and have only 13kgs more to lose, to reach my ultimate weight loss goal.
I suffered from depression for a long time and eating all the wrong foods was my way of comfort. A lot of people used to put me down and they never accepted me for me, and this put me in a bad headspace. Due to my weight gain my blood pressure was so high I was close to having a stroke and along with having osteoarthritis in both ankles, which I had for a long time, also with one fused ankle with a bolt in it, mobility was an issue carrying extra weight. Therefore, I really needed to do something about my weight.
Just after my 42nd birthday and having the scare that I could have a stroke, the fact I have four beautiful young kids and a wonderful husband, I still had my whole life ahead of me - I knew I had to make a change.
I tried so many other ways to lose weight like Weight Watchers, Dr Cohens, which was probably the worst diet I have ever been on.
I later started doing MyFitnessPal and my own health journey. I tried making healthy smoothies and thinking I was eating the right foods, including some other brand shakes, but I wasn’t successful. Learning they were all too high in sugar, and the fact I wasn’t full and didn’t have enough protein. A good friend of mine had started her journey on the lady shake and was going so well and was very close to reaching her weight goal
So after talking to my best friend (my wonderful hubby) and my mum about the lady shake they told me to give it a go. My husband saw how well I was doing with the lady shakes and he too is also on the man shakes. He has lost close to 25kgs.

Since I started my shakes and my health journey, my blood pressure is back to normal. I had a goal to get off my blood pressure tablets and a few months ago my doctor has taken them off them and he did a blood test to check everything and my sugars levels and everything is perfect.
My biggest roadblock? I did get a lot of negative people telling me this wouldn’t work and I just ignored them. I did this for me, it’s my life and not theirs.
Since losing the weight I feel fantastic and I can keep up with my kids and even challenged myself to participate again this year in the March charge and I aim to walk 250kms in support of cancer research.
If someone was thinking of starting, I would tell them what have you got to lose? If you want to get your health back on track just stick to what the lady shake recommend in their booklet. Also by watching Belinda's videos and sticking to low carbs and high protein, keeping sugars below 5gms.
Stick to it and you will see results. Sometimes it’s not always the scales that will show a reduction, but your clothes sizes will.