Rikki's 47kg weight loss journey with The Lady Shake

Hi, I’m Rikki, and I lost 47 kgs on The Lady Shake!
I first started The Lady Shake because I was unhappy with how I looked and felt. I was sitting at about 110kgs and was experiencing some health issues. I first asked my family members about The Lady Shake because they also used them. That’s when I decided to start them myself!
Since starting The Lady Shake I honestly feel so amazing. I have so much more energy for my daughter and our sporting hobbies. It’s given me the ability to do more for my daughter.
I’m also so happy to be back on my fitness journey – I work out every day. I’m looking to join a gym now as I need to build some muscle! Some workouts I love doing include squats, Pilates, lunges, crunches and walking. I now wear shorts all the time and drink so much water.
Because I’m exercising so often my routine looks like two shakes a day, two snacks and a light dinner. I have a few snacks I rotate between, but I usually reach for The Lady Bars, fruit, protein balls, dried apricots and bananas.
My favourite flavours are a combination of Caramel, Choc Honeycomb and Cookies and Cream. At the moment my all-time favourite is Choc Honeycomb! When I order my shakes, I always do the ‘Buy 3 Get 1 Free’ pack and get two Choc Honeycomb, one Caramel and one Cookies and Cream.
I now weigh 62.9kgs and honestly, my life has changed for the better! My goal is 60kgs and I’m confident I can achieve that. I would love to be back to the healthiest I once was in school.
For anyone who has just started The Lady Shake, my best advice would be to stay motivated. Don’t always rely on the number on the scales, instead go by the way your clothes feel! You will notice a difference! Everyone has hard days, it’s how we pick ourselves up and keep going to achieve the goals that counts! I would also recommend joining The Lady Club, as it has some amazing supportive women in there giving great advice and motivation.