Sandy continues her fitness journey with The Lady Shake!

My name is Sandy and I am a 57-year-old grandmother from the Sunshine Coast, QLD.
After winning a Gym pass at a Charity Gala Dinner which included a PT session for a month. I started my fitness journey and after the first visit to the gym, I knew how unhealthy I was. With the help of my PT I was able to change my mindset. I went from eating lots of junk food to healthy choices and exercising regularly.
I was told about Lady Shake and did some research on this wonderful product and soon started my journey to a healthier and fitter me.
After trying several diets, other meal replacement shakes and calorie counting with little or no results, nothing seemed to be sustainable until Lady Shakes.
Since starting on the Lady Shakes in April this year I have lost 12kilos in 14 weeks. I have still been able to dine out but am more conscious of my choices. The Lady Shake leaves me feeling full and I have to remind myself to have my snacks as I am not hungry most of the time.
The biggest difference losing weight has made to my life is feeling good about myself, having so much more energy! I have even completed the 10km run at the Gold Coast Marathon Event in June 2018. I would not have been able to do before. I love that I can still eat real foods and have little snacks and continue to reach my goal. Still, I have a few kilos to lose to my goal weight but with Lady Shakes I can achieve this.
I definitely recommend and have recommended Lady Shake to other ladies that find it difficult to lose weight, it is convenient, affordable and all the shakes taste great BUT most of all it actually works!