How To Naturally Speed Up Your Metabolism
•Weight loss

Your metabolism is a complex set of processes! It’s what allows you to function, and speeding it up can provide you with more energy, help with losing weight, help you sleep better and burn more calories. So who wouldn’t want to give it a little boost?
Eat Regularly
When your body isn’t getting enough fuel, your metabolism can slow down, and if you’re on a weight loss journey that’s the last thing you want. It’ll make it harder for you to lose the weight and keep it off! By eating regularly, you’re keeping your metabolism active, giving your gut something to do!.
Aim for balanced meals that include protein, healthy fats, fibre and complex carbs. Don’t run from carbs! They’re still your friend on a weight loss journey. Find out which ones you need to be incorporating into your diet here!
Stay Active
Make sure to get moving throughout the day! You don’t have to engage in high impact activity, it can be as small as stretching or walking. These bouts of activity can help keep your metabolism elevated. Consider taking the stairs instead of the lift, get a standing desk or if you have a desk job, try deskercise! We talk all about it here.
Stay Hydrated
Water is essential for a healthy metabolism! Even mild dehydration can cause your metabolism to pump the brakes. Aim to drink water all throughout the day, not just two litres in one go! Water is also necessary to lose weight. Take a look at our blog on the crucial role of water in weight loss.
Prioritise Protein
Protein has what’s called a higher thermic effect compared to carbs and fats, this means it takes more energy to digest and metabolise. As a result, your body burns more calories by digesting protein than it does with carbs and fat!
Manage Stress Levels
Stress can negatively impact metabolism by increasing cortisol levels, which can lead to both weight gain and metabolic dysfunction. We know it’s tricky to manage stress levels, life is constantly throwing stuff at us, but try to incorporate some stress-reduction techniques into your daily routine such as deep breathing, meditation or even going for a walk.
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